
Bringing your whole self to work

Sounds like the CEO of UPS owns his pipes.

From mars2venus in pinkmagazine:

For generations, American businessmen lived double lives: the corporate side, which was all business, and the personal side, which mixed with business only in the form of polite small talk or pictures of family on one's desk.

Today, women are pushing to blend the two. And frankly, the notion of a holistic approach to work is an idea that's long overdue. This concept goes beyond the usual tenets of time management. It means giving yourself time to nurture the parts of you -- professional and personal -- that make you uniquely valuable to your organization.

Every week I set aside time for self-renewal. That means doing things that aren't naturally part of my job: volunteering in the community, reading for enjoyment, exercise, sitting on the boards of other organizations, attending seminars and learning new ways of doing things from a diverse group of activity that eventually leads to better problem-solving and innovation. In short, I have a life outside of the office, and those activities make me better at what I do.

Self-renewal also reinforces the balance that is essential to good leadership. But you have to add renewal to your to-do list -- and use it wisely. If you don't, it will be lost in the chaos of the workday or, worse, become more of a distraction than a strength.

Mike Eskew is chairman and CEO of UPS, the world's largest package delivery company.
I'm not sure if I necessarily agree that it's women that are behind the push to blend corporate and personal -- I subscribe to the possibly wacky idea that we are all achieving a higher consciousness of the power of the integrated whole -- but I applaud Eskew for getting it, and bringing it to a wider audience on the pages of pink.

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Stock-tracking widget

I just downloaded an Apple widget that will make monitoring my pipe-related stocks that much easier.

Curiously, the default equities for this widget contained exactly the same stocks that are in my current equity portfolio (which is distinct from my 401k and IRA allocations):
  • Apple (AAPL)
  • eBay (EBAY)
  • Google (GOOG)
  • News Corporation (NWS)
Of course, now I can't remember if I've got Amazon or Yahoo! in there. Either way, eBay's about to go and be replaced by a company that's allegedly going public this November.

If you're investing in and/or watching a stock that meshes neatly with the Own The Pipes approach, do tell.

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Dear Vince: please clarify

Delegating self-assessment to others <> personal pipe ownership.

Printed on a miniature football given out by clickbooth at AdTech this year:
We will be judged by only one thing -- the result.
Vince Lombardi
Unlike so many effective online ads, this quotation was not contextual; I've no idea when or where Vince said this. Perhaps it was in opposition to "It's how you play the game."

But if he's talking about a life well-lived, let me just say:
  • Who is doing the judging?
  • What are the metrics upon which 'the result' is based?
  • Who are we?
Me? I'm more on the Cervantes tip -- "The road is always better than the inn." Which is not to say that I would agree with, "The loss is better than the win." But there are lessons to be learned about life and about self that cannot be found in a stream of blue ribbons.

Considering this, perhaps I could agree with ole Vince if the result were that which we have learned from any given experience.

Somehow, I don't think that's what he had in mind.

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Does this life sound fulfilling to you?

This is what not owning your pipes looks like.

I read an interview with Nancy Knowlton, CEO of Smart Technologies, in Gordon Pitts' At The Top column in Toronto's 10/29/2007 issue of The Globe and Mail. As a basketball player, the article title ("Former basketball star sticks to the team approach") drew me in, but it boomeranged me right out when I read the following:
What is your personal future?
I don't want to get off this treadmill any time soon. I am 54 and my husband is 58 and we still work 70 to 90 hours a week. I like being agitated, I like being paranoid, I like being worried about what's happening.
Yikes. No mention of children in the article (personal and private choice, sure, but also no mention of philanthropy or community involvement), no actual mention of anything team-related, and frankly, in the picture that accompanied the article her hair looks brittle, her skin rough, and there are bags under her eyes. Not to mention: her pullover looked rather cheap. You're working miserable hours at the age of 54 and you can't even buy yourself a nice suit jacket?

Really? This is what we consider "at the top"?

Does this sound compelling to any of you?

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The cult of victimhood

You cannot own your pipes if you are busy blaming external sources for your woes.

From John Ibbitson's America column in the 10/31/2007 issue of Toronto's The Globe and Mail:
Comedian Bill Cosby and Harvard psychiatry professor Alvin Poussaint have co-authored a most controversial new book. Come On People: On the Path from Victims to Victors argues that many aspects of black culture, from music to language to attitudes toward education, contribute to black poverty and crime.

The authors maintain that more black men and women -- but especially men -- have to start taking responsibility for their own lives.
In my mind, letting yourself fall prey to the cult of victimhood essentially turns over the ownership of you -- hands over the keys to your pipes -- to your supposed oppressor. And that prevents you from ever fully realizing your potential. I'm not saying that there aren't real forces that conspire to keep us down -- and by us, I mean all humans, not just blacks. My point is that letting this victimhood mentality take hold amplifies the already detrimental effects of whatever it is that's blocking our path to true success to begin with.

I'm reminded of a letter that I wrote to the Editor of Black Enterprise that was ultimately printed in their November 2006 issue:
One reader's letter to the editor regarding the tequila ad in the May 2006 issue troubled me. She wrote, "Your advertising department needs to take a better look at the statistics concerning how fast food and alcohol affect the black community." The writer's underlying assumption is that members of the black community are more likely than non-blacks to be helpless victims of an onslaught of predatory fast food and alcohol advertisements, as if they lack the agency and ability to determine for themselves the course of their own lives and the products they decide to consume.

Is the writer's opinion reflective of the majority of black Americans? White Americans? Americans who vote? If so, what, exactly, would be the corrective course of action? To only allow advertising to reach those who have checked the "Yes, mommy, I'm a grown up" box on a federal form?
I'd be interested to hear what other folks out there think on this issue.

And perhaps I should disclose that I am libertarian-ish and of mixed ethnic origin (non-black). Seems that these kinds of data points matter to some folks.

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Take a break

From "Why all-work Jill is a dull girl", as seen in the 10/31/2007 issue of Toronto's Globe & Mail:
Chill time

People who take time out during the workday for "respite" activities perform better after than colleagues who work on through, or use break times for chores, says John Trougakos...

To be a true respite, this activity must be enjoyable -- but this varies from person to person...

An introvert, say, might not find lunch with a large, noisy group of colleagues relaxing...

So which activities offer a real break?

  • Napping or resting -- someplace free of interruption
  • Socializing with colleagues over coffee
  • Having lunch with a friend
  • Getting lost in a good book
  • Going for a walk
  • Playing video games, foozball
For those of us who are not quite ready to give ourselves permission to chill it out, it might be helpful to set up an Outlook meeting over lunch that protects that time from meetings being pushed onto it. Even something as simple as a walk around the block -- which can take as little as five minutes -- can be energizing.

Once you get better at being good to yourself, at owning your personal pipes, you'll be aware of your own crankiness and be more in tune with how much personal time you need during the workday to perform optimally.